Resilience & Well-being in Academia

29.11.23 9:00-17:00
09:00 - 17:00
Doctoral Academy Graz
Anmeldung bis 27.11.2023, 00:00

Workshop in Cooperation with the PostDoc-Office Graz.


Early-stage researchers represent a diverse group of people, and the sources of stress that you face and the coping mechanisms that you use, vary greatly. However, a repertoire of counterproductive cognitive strategies, habits, and lifestyle choices (or sacrifices!) represent a common underlying theme. Self-sabotaging thought processes, poor coping strategies, and little work-life balance render many of us susceptible to burnout and a raft of mental health issues.


This workshop provides you with tools to increase your resilience to stress, anxiety and burnout, and to enhance your overall well-being.


We explore:


The self-critical inner voices that sabotage your motivation and enjoyment for your work;

How your mindset can help or hinder your day-to-day life and your future career prospects;

How certain maladaptive coping strategies (e.g. procrastination and avoidance) maintain these self-sabotaging thought and behaviour cycles.

How to reshape your thinking and behaviour patterns to work for you in pursuit of your goals.

Your well-being AND peak performance are not mutually exclusive. The goal is to maximise your cognitive and emotional performance whilst creating a sustainable, effective and enjoyable lifestyle.




Desiree Dickerson is a former postdoc in the neurosciences and a clinical psychologist who specialises in academic mental health and well-being. Based in Europe, she works with leading academic institutions, lab groups, and academics themselves in the pursuit of a healthier approach to research.

She has also contributed to the dialogue around mental health and well-being in academia through pieces on imposter syndrome, grad school mental health and a recent one on Mental health strategies during COVID.
