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University structure and legal matters

The details and the exact wording can be found in the respective legal texts, ordinances and bulletins!

The curriculum is your study plan and serves as the basis for your study programme. It describes exactly what the study programme entails, which prerequisites are needed, how the programme is structured, which courses have to be completed and much more.

The Curricular Committee is responsible for approving and amending the curricula. Members of the Curricular Committee include university professors, academic staff and the students. The chairperson is responsible for the recognition of examinations and preliminary studies as well as the development of the curriculum.


The Dean’s Office is the organisational and administrative heart of the faculty. It supports the Curricular Committee and coordinates the administrative processes involved. The Dean’s Office is led by a dean.


The Working Group for Equal Opportunities (AKGL) provides advice and support on equal opportunities and the advancement of women and works to combat discrimination on the basis of gender, ethnicity, religion or conviction, age or sexual orientation. The AKGL is available to all university members and all enquiries are treated confidentially.



A faculty groups together fields of study that belong to a specific subject area. The Faculty of Natural Sciences, for example, includes subjects such as physics, chemistry, mathematics and biology.


An institute/subunit is the smallest organisational unit of a faculty and a point of contact for course-specific enquiries, for example regarding registering for courses and examinations.


Anyone who has competed their studies abroad and wishes the relevant degree to be officially equivalent to the Austrian degree must apply for nostrification. This also gives students the right to use the corresponding domestic university degree.


Plagiarism is when other people’s texts, content or ideas are used in a person’s own work without acknowledging the source. Those caught plagiarising have to expect that their work will receive a failing grade.


The statutes contain binding provisions for the University of Graz. The section of the statutes entitled “statutory provisions” is of particular interest to students. All topics relevant to studies, such as admission periods and formalities, the Students’ Introduction and Orientation Phase or course and examination formalities are governed here.


For most people, the first point of contact with the university is the Academic Affairs Office: this is the place at the university where students enrol, pay their first Austrian Students' Union fee, and get their UNIGRAZCard. The Academic Affairs Office takes care of various administrative matters throughout the entire course of studies, including, for instance, applications for the award of a study placement, registration and deregistration for studies, tuition fees, leaves of absence, the issuing of study confirmations, the awarding of university degrees (graduation ceremony) and much more.

Academic Affairs

As well as a dean, each faculty also has a dean of studies. The dean of studies is elected from among the university professors of the respective faculty and is responsible for all matters necessary for the organisation and evaluation of courses and examinations.


The director of studies is responsible for implementing the course regulations at first instance. He/she is responsible for the coordination and planning of course matters and teaching.

Director of Studies’ guidelines


The Universities Act UG 2002 is the legal basis for universities. It organises universities and their studies.

Universities Act

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