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Universitätsplatz 3
8010 Graz
Phone.: ++43 (0) 316 380-0
Fax: ++43 (0) 316 380-9030
E-mail: info(at)
Universität Graz
Location:Universitätsplatz 3, 8010 Graz, Österreich
Opentimes:Opening hours:
Mo - Fr: 7 bis 22 Uhr
Sa: 8 bis 17 Uhr
The contents of our website are available for online access on the world wide web. Copyright and rights of use for texts, graphics, design, source code and image material – insofar as they are not part of the meta text of images (rollover function) with the identifier “© name or pseudonym of the photographer /” or “© name or pseudonym of the photographer /” – are the property of the University of Graz. We permit the use and non-commercial dissemination of copies in electronic and printed form as long as the contents remain unchanged and the source is stated (source: Uni Graz).
Office of Communications and Public Affairs is responsible for the content and texts of our homepage. Technical maintenance of our www-server is carried out by Uni Graz IT-Services, UNI-IT The graphical concept, information structure and technical implementation were developed by the University of Graz, the departments of Office of Communications and Public Affairs and UNI-IT. Information from individual departments or other institutes at the University of Graz including all other information providers are elaborated and introduced into the system by the aforementioned and thus lie within their sphere of responsibility.
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Supervisory authority of the University of Graz:
Federal Ministry of Science, Research and Economy
VAT identification no. of the University of Graz:
ATU 57511277
The texts on our homepage are checked carefully before they are disseminated. However, we hold no responsibility whatsoever for the accuracy, completeness or validity of their content. The University of Graz, therefore, can in no case be made liable for errors or omissions of any kind. Links to external sites have also been selected with care. Since the University of Graz has no direct or indirect influence on these sites, we are in no way liable for their content. Neither UNI-IT, nor the University of Graz can be made liable for any false or missing information.
Errors excepted.
Tasks of the University of Graz:
According to § 3 2002 University Act, the University of Graz is required to perform the following tasks within its scope of responsibility:
- to promote scientific research (research and teaching) and artistic research, as well as artistic knowledge
- to provide scientific education through sciences and scientific and artistic research
- to provide scientific, artistic, artistic-pedagogical and artistic-scientific preliminary professional education, qualifications for professional activities which require the implementation of scientific knowledge and methods, as well as to develop artistic and scientific skills up to the highest level
- to develop and promote young scientists in the field of science and arts
- to provide continuing education, in particular to university graduates
- to coordinate scientific research (artistic research and development) and teaching at our university
- to promote national and international cooperation in the field of scientific research, teaching and arts
- to promote the use and implementation of our research results in practice and to foster the social integration of artistic research and development results
- to promote gender equality for women and men and affirmative action for women
- to maintain contact to our graduates
- to inform the general public about the tasks our university is required to perform