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In einer Bibliothek bedient eine Studentin die Drehknöpfe, um Bücherreihen auseinander zu schieben

Catholic Theology

Diploma programme

Apply now

Faculty of Catholic Theology

University degree

Magister/Magistra of Theology „Mag. theol.“



Start of studies

Winter term 2024/25

Duration of study

10 semesters

Teaching language


type of study programme


Studium generale

The degree study programme in Catholic Theology is a “studium generale” (public education) programme that provides a grounding in philosophy and deals with ancient languages and all areas of theology.


3 reasons to study at the University of Graz

Thorough education

Grapple with theological questions from various different perspectives

Real-world relevance

Up-to-date, contemporary theology

Ideal study environment

Very good staff-student ratio

„What makes the theology study programme unique is its diversity. Besides religion, I’m also looking at ethics, history, philosophy, languages and law. Theology helps you get a better understanding of yourself and the world around you. “


Current admission period

Full details of admissions procedures and current deadlines are available on our main page.

Overview of admissions and deadlines

Questions about studying here?

4students is happy to help!

Mo - Fr: 9 am - 12 noon
Tue & Thu: 1 pm - 3 pm
Universitätsplatz 3a/II
(Liftstock 5), 8010 Graz
+43 316 380 - 1066

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