True Crime Tuesday

Human Trafficking in the US Current Trends and Issues in Identification, Investigation and Prosecution mit Daniela Peterka-Benton

17:00 - 19:00
[015BEG0002] Hörsaal HS 15.01, Universitätsstraße 15 Bauteil B, Erdgeschoß
to be announced
Registration required

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Daniela Peterka-Benton is an Associate Professor in the Department of Justice Studies at Montclair State University, New Jersey where she serves as the Program Director of the department’s International Justice Concentration. She also has an appointment as the Academic Director of Montclair State’s Global Center on Human Trafficking. In this capacity, she works on various research and educational initiatives for the center in collaboration with criminal justice agencies and community organizations. Dr. Peterka-Benton teaches numerous courses including, Human Trafficking, Introduction to International Justice, Crime and Globalization, and Comparative Criminal Justice Systems. Prior to her focusing on a full-time academic career, Daniela Peterka-Benton worked for the U.S. State Department’s Office of Diplomatic Security at the U.S. Embassy in Vienna, Austria.

This talk will focus on the nature of human trafficking in the United States including current trends and issues. Key legislation, rooted in the 13th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, which barred slavery and involuntary servitude in 1865, such as the Trafficking Victims Protection Act and its reauthorizations, and the Justice for Victims of Trafficking Act, will be discussed as part of a ‘Whole-Government Approach’. Many decades into the fight against Human Trafficking, however, it has remained a difficult crime to identify, investigate, and successfully prosecute. Other issues highlighted in this talk are the difficulty collecting data on human trafficking, the ever-changing nature of this criminal practice and the lack of survivor engagement in anti-trafficking efforts.

True Crime Tuesdays? 

Im Rahmen des Hans Gross Zentrums für interdisziplinäre Kriminalwissenschaften (ZiK) am Institut für Strafrecht, Strafprozessrecht und Kriminologie wurde die Veranstaltungsreihe „True Crime Tuesday“ ins Leben gerufen.

Am True Crime Tuesday werden Vertreter*innen aus den verschiedensten „forensischen“ Disziplinen auf (interdisziplinäre) kriminalwissenschaftliche Fragestellungen Bezug nehmen. Ziel dieser Veranstaltungsreihe ist es, nicht nur Teilnehmer*innen aus Wissenschaft und Praxis eine Informationsquelle zu kriminalwissenschaftlichen Themen am Puls der Zeit anzubieten, sondern darüber hinaus eine interdisziplinäre Diskussions- und Netzwerkplattform zu schaffen.

Mit freundlicher Unterstützung des alumni UNI graz.

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