Time Management

How to work better not harder
09:00 - 17:00
Doctoral Academy Graz
SZ 15.22
Registration required
Registration ends 12.04.2024, 23:59
Attending fees

We all have 24 hours every day, so how can some people do more than others during that time? This workshop will not give you more hours in your day, but it will teach you how to be attentive and thoughtful with your time so that you can be more productive and enjoy yourself.



Time is our most precious asset. What we do with our time is what we do with our lives. To have a good life, it is therefore important to manage one's time wisely. However, the daily life of a researcher and the demands associated with an academic career make this task difficult. There are so many things competing for our time: conducting research projects, writing papers, teaching, attending work meetings, applying for conferences, responding to other people's requests, social commitments, family, errands, etc. So much to do, so many distractions, and so much pressure to be successful!

This workshop is designed to help you manage your time and make the most of it. To this end, we will identify where your time is currently going, what your priorities are, and how to achieve your goals. You will learn simple methods to organize your time more efficiently, work smarter instead of harder, and enjoy what you do with your days.



- Identify where your time goes

- Develop your vision and clarify your priorities

- Identify the factors that prevent you from effectively managing your time

- Learn to set achievable goals and stick to them

- Learn to meet deadlines and be in control of your time

- Learn to reduce and manage time-related stress


This workshop is interactive and takes place in a relaxed atmosphere. It consists of discussions, individual and group exercises, and short lectures. The inputs and methods taught in this workshop are easy to use, effective, and directly applicable to the participants' current situation.