Scholarship of Teaching and Learning: What, why, how?

Arqus workshop
13:00 - 16:00
Arqus Alliance, University of Bergen
Registration required

Are you teaching in higher education and interested in learning more about your students’ learning, your disciplinary context and/or yourself as a teacher? We invite you to an online workshop on the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL), organized by Assoc. Prof. Robert Kordts (University of Bergen) as part of the Arqus Alliance. As a participant, you will develop an understanding of SoTL, based on presentations and discussions, and you will explore ideas on how to integrate SoTL in your own teaching context. If you are interested in finding out what SoTL is, why it could be relevant for you and how you could do SoTL, join us – we are looking forward to meeting you!


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