English for Doctoral Candidates

Writing and Speaking (24.-25.03.2023)

Doctoral Academy Graz
to be announced
Registration required
Registration ends 22.03.2023, 13:00
Attending fees

In this workshop, we will predominantly focus on the language skills necessary to communicate your research efficiently to an academic audience. The first part of the workshop is devoted to writing skills. In particular, we will look at typical features of Academic English and practice various writing strategies, from paragraph level to global text level. The second part of the workshop will be devoted to speaking skills; not only will we work on presentation skills but also on interaction skills in discussions. The workshop is designed to offer participants a hands-on tutorial. We will work on your vocabulary, write a variety of small texts and have short presentations and interactive discussions.

Target audience: Doctoral candidates.


Johannes Wally works as a Senior Lecturer at the Department of English Studies at the University of Graz, where he offers courses in language as well as cultural studies. His research interest lies with Anglophone literatures and cultures. Wally is the author of two academic monographs and two books of fiction. He has received several prizes and scholarships for his work.