C.IAS Lectures Series: Inter-American History and Culture

Nelson Rockefeller and the idea of Panamericanism in Venezuela (1930-1945) Esther Mobilia

18:45 - 20:15
C.IAS Center for Inter- American Studies, In Kooperation mit dem Forschungs- und Kulturverein für Kontinentalamerika und die Karibik
to be announced
Registration required
Registration ends 13.04.2021, 18:00

Around 1925 Venezuela became the first world´s oil exporter. During the 1940s Venezuela´s oil economy was completely dominated by Nelson Rockefeller´s Standard Oil Company. Against this background nationalist and anti-imperialist movements increased and resistance against the US dominance gained traction. Under the impression of Mexico´s oil-nationalization in 1938, Rockefeller changed his policy towards Venezuela. His project Good Neighborhood Policy should convince Venezuelans to join an alliance with Washington as the best way for progress and prosperity. Venezuela should create its own capitalism within a Pan American perspective.

Esther Mobilia teaches Universal History and History of International Relations at the Andrés Bello Catholic University and the Central University of Venezuela in Caracas. She is the author of several publications in academic journals.