Assessment Literacy – A Workshop Series for Language Teachers and Researchers at the Arqus Universities

ARQUS (15.11.-15.12.2021)

16:00 - 18:15
Universität Leipzig
Registration required
Registration ends 09.11.2021, 23:59

As part of the series in language and cross-cultural competence for staff at partner universities, Leipzig University organises four separate thematic workshops in the months of November and December.

Multilingual universities need a reliable assessment and evaluation of foreign language competence based on comparable standards. This workshop series is aimed at language teachers and researchers and will equip them with key competencies in the area of assessment literacy. We will deal with quality criteria in test development, statistical procedures for the evaluation of tests and task quality, the reliable linking of tasks to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages and challenges that digitalisation (also) brings to language teaching: e-cheating.