On Character. A Philosophical Approach
Riccardo Martinelli, PhD. is Associate professor at the University of Trieste, chair of History of philosophy. Humboldt-Fellow in 2004 and subsequently visiting fellow at the Universities of Konstanz (2010), Berlin (2011), Mainz (2016), Amsterdam (Dec. 2018), he joined a number of International Associations (Società italiana di studi kantiani, Associazione italiana Alexander von Humboldt, European Society for the History of Human Sciences, Society for the History of Humanities, Geneva Seminar for Austro-German Philosophy, Brentano-Gesellschaft Würzburg, Brentano Research Team, Université de Liège, Society for German Idealism & Romanticism).
He is a member of the editorial boards of the Journals: Intersezioni; Discipline filosofiche; Jahrbuch für Europäische Wissenschaftskultur; Gestalt Theory; Etica e Politica. Education: in 1990 Degree in Philosophy at the University of Bologna; in 1994 PhD at the University of Florence; in 1998 Post-Doc at the University of Florence. Besides many essays for Italian and international journals, he authored several monographs and edited many volumes, together with colleagues in Italy and abroad. Professional and academic status: 1995-2000 High School Teacher; 2000-2005 Assistant, University of Trieste; 2005- Associate Professor. Service activities: Quality Assurance Committee of the University of Trieste; Supervisor of the Double Degree Master with Universität Bamberg; Supervisor of Erasmus exchanges with the University of Liège and the Polish Academy of Science.
Please also refer to https:// trieste.academia.edu/RiccardoMartinelli .