Thomas Thayer (Senior Publisher of Economics and Marketing, Elsevier) will provide information for authors on how to improve the quality of their manuscripts and thus increase their chances of being accepted for publication in reputable, international, ISI listed journals.
Assoc. Univ.-Prof. Dr. Karl Lohner (Institute of Molecular Biosciences, University of Graz), Executive Editor of the Elsevier journal "BBA Biomembranes", will share his experience and provide insights on publishing from an editor´s perspective.
Clara Ginther and Christian Kaier (Publication Services, University of Graz) will give a brief overview on Open Access Deals and the university´s own publishing facilities: the repository uni=pub, Graz University Press as well as journal management with Open Journal Systems (OJS).
Anmeldung: UNIGRAZonline (Information: Kursangebote der UB)
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