BB: Violence Against Women in Modern Greek Cinema

BB: Georgia Panteli

13:00 - 14:00

Gender based violence is a frequent ingredient in modern Greek cinema.

 From ‘Stella’ and ‘Zorba the Greek’ to contemporary cinematography, femicides are often the background or the inevitable aftermath of the plot. In the context of Greece’s cultural oscillation between the East and the West I will examine how normalising representations of violence against women on screen reflects historical realities and at the same time informs socio-political changes. Special focus will be given in post-Covid representations addressing the increase of domestic violence during the pandemic.

Dr Georgia Panteli is a visiting Research Fellow at the University of Graz in the Dimensions of Europeanisation Field of Excellence. She is also teaching Film and Literature at the University of Vienna and at the UCL International Summer School for Undergraduates. She published her monograph last year and she has talked about her research on ORF Radiokolleg and on The Forum, BBC World Service. Her research interests include film and comparative literature, feminism and posthuman studies.